The Extravaganza was gang busting game breaking record beating awesomeness! Those who came early and beat the rush were treated to ten Piece Pizzas, personally delivered by Francis White in the White Mystery Mobile, all of which were descended on in a wild eyed, Chuck-E-Cheeze like fashion, tearing mouthfuls out in between fits of gaming and drinking.
The free Old Style, Cutty Sark and line out the door made the staff of on-the-spot bartenders look like they were breezing through a harder level of Tapper, while the glow of machines and buzz in the air lent the party a frenzied vibe that is sure to linger at the Emporium for the rest of the year. The palpable musk of premium meat emanating from the Gunslinger Jerkey Gang set up in the middle of the room pushed the frenzy deeper into shark territory while partiers dismembered each other at Mortal Kombat