MTV Hive’s Weird Premieres Best of 2011

“Hive has had the pleasure of premiering many strange, awesome videos in 2011. It’s not a coincidence that our favorite premieres this year were also the weirdest, from the highly ritualistic clips from Chelsea Wolfe and NewVillager, to the birthday party funeral scene in White Mystery’s video and the cross-dressing road trip in Hunx’s “Lover’s Lane.” Do these clips point to a particular trend or theme for music videos in 2011? Perhaps it’s a desire to explore mankind’s most primal drives: sex and death. And eating birthday cake.” Click here for the video.
Posted 11.21.11 Permalink to this story
White Mystery “Birthday” Video Premiere

The director: The video was filmed by Nathan Christ, director of the documentary Echotone, a survey-in-motion of the drastic and fundamental changes taking place within and around the Live Music Capital, Austin, TX. Christ’s film garnered praise from reviewers around the country. That prompted him to expand the premise into a six-city series, the first of which was filmed in July in White Mystery’s hometown, Chicago. (more…)
Posted 09.23.11 Permalink to this story