Miss Alex White on Soho House’s new video
Miss Alex white was featured in Soho’s recent video! Click here to check out Soho’s video “Inside Soho House Chicago’s club within a club”.
(more…) Posted 11.19.19 Permalink to this story
Miss Alex White Rocks Soho House
Photos by Bradley Murray.
On Monday, July 29, 2019, Miss Alex White performed in the third annual Soho House Mixtape project. Her song, “Gone Wise” is a true collaboration and execution on vision. Olivia Koivisto from Writing Club wrote the lyrics, Miss Alex White arranged the song and melody, Tony Scott-Green wrote the guitar hook, Mark and Rob locked down the rhythm section, J. Ivy contributed spoken word poetry to the bridge, the Music Club shouted gang vocals, then Sam Fishkin recorded and mixed the track. Veronica Kretzers created an entire bespoke outfit for Miss Alex White, then Robbie Botts shot the video on a 1990s camcorder at the Liar’s Club in Chicago. Listen to it here:
Posted 08.05.19
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Miss Alex White interviews Courtney Barnett
Miss Alex White and Courtney Barnett talked gear, guitars, and recording at the Soho House event, “Dissecting the Track,” on October 18, 2018,
Posted 10.21.18 Permalink to this story