“WEEKEND MUSIC SPOTLIGHT” By Jim Ryan, December 16, 2011 at 5:39 pm
White Mystery (11PM Friday at Subterranean. 21+, SOLD OUT) – With The Dirtbombs. Francis Scott Key White drums in a simple but effective, straightforward manner that accompanies Miss Alex White‘s fuzzladen guitar and vocals nicely. They also channel a more seventies influenced version of the White Stripes (on their facebook page, they cite Gary Glitter, MC5 and Black Sabbath as “artists we also like”). Caught them at the Hideout Block Party in September and they were one of my favorite acts of the day.
Posted 12.21.11 Permalink to this story

What do you want for Christmas? Two free shows back-to-back in Chicago and New York City with White Mystery and the Dirtbombs! RSVP here, courtesy of Sailor Jerry.
Posted 12.06.11 Permalink to this story