Alex White joins Phillip Stark on The Phillip Stark Show! White Mystery share their musical journey on this episode of The DIY Dirt. Phillip Stark interviews White Mystery on how they have been able to “Do-It-Yourself” as musicians for 10 years! Join the journey and tune in to The Phillip Stark Show. Check out Phillip Stark here!
So far Riot Fest Magazine’s content has included listicles about festival acts and their side projects, updates on the Lake Michigan Bat Creature, and a DIY advice column by Alex White of White Mystery, which takes a practical and battle-tested look at punk praxis. Read the whole article here.
“The term DIY gets thrown around a lot, and people need to be educated about what ‘Do It Yourself’ actually is. It is an entrepreneurial spirit that drives an attitude where everything is possible with creativity and a strong work ethic.
There are quite a few tips and methods to establishing and maintaining a successful DIY career that I’ll be laying out in a series of upcoming articles for Riot Fest. We’ll be posting columns on such topics as how to book a show, how to trade for sponsorships, punk band book-keeping, and how to run your own music publishing. In the meantime, read on to learn the points that steer this machine.”