White Mystery shouted out to Shonen Knife on JBTV last week, and Jerry Bryant showed footage from 1994 of the Japanese band on television! Check out the two bands on tour together this summer.
Tune into JBTV Wednesday June 27 and July 4, 2012 at 11pm on WJYS ch 62 in Chicago to see the new White MysteryPEOPLE POWER video directed by Aidan Brezonick and produced by the band, along with the help of lots of awesome friends! Thanks (more…)
White Mystery talks with Ryan Manno about the music industry and we watch a live performance of their song ‘Take A Walk’. JBTV airs on NBC 5.2 network television, and you can watch it online.
Dust off your cathode ray tube for White Mystery on JBTV airing December 24, 2011 via channels NBC Chicago Nonstop (digital channel 5.2 – Comcast and over-the-air TV) and WJYS-62 Chicago (Comcast, DIRECTV, and Dish Network). Click here!
It was a pleasure to tape an episode of JBTV with Jerry Bryant, pictured here! The show boasts a massive archive of live performances including Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Liz Phair, and Joey Ramone. Stay tuned for the White Mystery episode and check out JBTVhere 🙂
Meet at Reggie’s between 1:00 and 2:00 for a free bus ride to White Mystery live on JBTV, then hitch a ride back to Reggie’s for an after-party with bootleg White Mystery videos and FREE HOT DOGS! Check out the FB invite for this magic bus.