Hands Off! Comp is a limited edition tape cassette compilation powered by female fronted bands in honor of women empowerment. in response to the Burger Records scandal that broke open this past summer. The 22 track tape features powerhouses L7, Courtney Barnett, Exene Cervenka of X, Alice Bag with Kathleen Hanna & Allison Wolfe, Amyl & the Sniffers, Blacker Face, White Mystery, The Black Tones, Clickbait and more. Featuring cover art from the sardonic splendor of Tragic Girls, Hands Off! Comp amplifies and liberates women and cross-sectional voices within rock’n’roll.
(more…) Posted 02.10.21 Permalink to this storyChicago Venues
Click any of the links below to read the full article:
Hands Off! Raises $3,169
You may remember this project we announced called Hands Off! Comp featuring L7, Courtney Barnett, Alice Bag with Kathleen Hanna, X’s Exene Cervenka, Amyl and the Sniffers, Palehound, and many others. As of December 11th, 2020 we raised $3,169.00 for Girls Inc. This donation will go towards supporting the education of young girls in a pro-girl environment. Every tape cassette and t-shirt will help shape a better tomorrow for young women.
Posted 12.18.20 Permalink to this story
Hands Off! Tape Cassette Sold Out
That’s a wrap! Thank you all for your support in the Hands Off! Comp project. It was an incredible experience working with insane talent from May McDonough of Psychedelic Cherry, LG from Thelma & the Sleaze, and Charlie Kaplan of Tapehead City. All of the proceeds will go towards Girls Inc., a nonprofit organization that empowers future generations of young women.
Posted 12.17.20 Permalink to this story
Dark Matter Coffee benefits Chicago Venues
Time For a Coffee Break? Try Dark Matter Coffee’s new collaboration with
Quiet Pterodactyl! All sales go towards the SituationChicago project to benefit our venues in coffee form. SituationChicago record sales end Dec 31st, so get yours before it’s gone!
“Artists include White Mystery,” Eater Chicago
Click here to read this article on the Eater Chicago website.
(more…) Posted 12.13.20 Permalink to this story
“A way to sustain many of the venues,” Basement Magazine
As music fans across Chicago and beyond mourn the loss of live music, the industry has been left wondering what comes next. In our 8th month of the Pandemic, everyone from musicians, to fans, to venue workers have felt the devastating effects of these unprecedented times. Though the network of live music has come to a halt, the community of caring, generous, motivated Chicago creatives continues to uplift and support one another. situationchicago, created by Trey Elder of the Quiet Pterodactyl non-profit, has become a shining example of the resilience of the music community. Featuring 25 Chicago musicians, this project is a massive collaboration of creative energy aiming to support local venues struggling during the Pandemic. “The situationchicago project was a direct response to the pandemic and the unknown closure times of our venues. 2020 was originally supposed to be events-driven for Quiet Pterodactyl, so when those events were cancelled, it just felt right to brainstorm to see what else we could do to help the music community in it’s time of need. “First to close, last to open” is a phrase that summarizes the current state of music venues, theaters…anywhere people gather indoors to enjoy the arts…and it’s not looking good that they will be able to re-open anywhere close to functioning capacity soon.”
Available via Bandcamp, situationchicago has created a 25 track vinyl record with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the venues needing it the most. From Jeff Tweedy, to Rick Wilson, to OK Go, this record supports a meaningful cause on top of being an awesome compilation of the city’s music. “We wanted to represent different music styles and parts of the city, as well as a variety of “bigger name” and local, up and coming, amazing talent that Chicago has to offer. Some we already had personal connections with, some were recommended by the music venues that are also a part of the project, and others were just artists we had appreciated from afar. All of the artists were excited to be able to give back to these venues they all know and play (have played) in. Smaller, local venues are the lifeblood of where artists develop their craft, and many of Chicago’s venues have been supporting the diverse scene here for decades.”
Upon speaking with featured artists Girl K, Rich Jones, and Miss Alex White of White Mystery, it seems these artists were equally as passionate about the mission as Trey was when he created situationchicago. Rich Jones speaks to situationchicago saying that “It resonates because it’s us using our music as a way to sustain many of the venues that have hosted us over the years. Also pretty cool to have a collection of songs featuring multiple generations of artists, many of whom myself and others are indebted to in regard to the groundwork they laid for us to have what we enjoy today.”
Click here to read the full article!
Posted 11.15.20 Permalink to this story
“White Mystery has performed local venues since 2003,” Sealed Magazine
Click here to read the article on Sealed Magazine’s website.
(more…) Posted 10.12.20 Permalink to this story
“People Power” Limited Edition Vinyl
ALERT! ALERT! White Mystery is selling a LIMITED EDITION vinyl of “People Power.” 100% of the sales will go to financially support venues. The fundraiser “Situationchicago – Music For Independent Venues” is a project made up of venues and artists who have joined together to support Chicago’s local venues! You can support the cause on Situation Chicago’s BandCamp, Instagram, and Facebook. Keep an eye out for more surprises on the way…… Below are the amazing artists and venues that are participating!
(more…) Posted 07.06.20 Permalink to this story